Sriram Devata

Sriram Devata

Computer Science PhD Student

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

About Me

I am a CS PhD student at UIUC, and am interested in developing hardware and software for datacenters that are robust to changes for emerging software paradigms.

Extended Reality (XR - encompassing AR/VR/MR) is one such paradigm that is transforming how we interact with computing. Current XR devices have a long way to go for their widespread adoption and sustained full-day usage. When considering offloading XR tasks to a datacenter, these tasks demand low latency and have strict performance standards to provide a high-quality user experience. I work with Prof. Sarita Adve and her group to develop the hardware architecture and/or software systems for the cloud to facilitate the offloading of XR workloads.

Before my PhD, I worked with Prof. Akshitha Sriraman and Dr. Gilles Pokam to improve datacenter efficiency by characterizing datacenter tax operations. This work allowed us to recognize common low-level software primitives across datacenter tax operations, and also helped identify combined acceleration opportunities.

Previously, I also worked on using Machine Learning to solve problems in Computational Chemistry at IIIT-H and University of Waterloo.

I used this slidedeck for my PhD interviews. It contains a brief summary of my research and education till the time I made those slides.

  • Datacenter Efficiency
  • Hardware-Software Codesign
  • Systems for VR/AR/XR
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2024 - Present

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

  • Bachelor of Technology and Master of Science in Computer Science, 2019 - 2024

    International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H)